On 07/05/2017 03:42 PM, Rob Jarratt via cctalk wrote:
I bought some ChipQuik recently and managed to successfully remove a 74LS125
with little trouble. Today I have come to trying to desolder another similar
sized chip, but try as I might I just cannot get it to work. The ChipQuik
just balls up and won't "take" to the pins. I applied plenty of the flux
supplied with the ChipQuik, but I wonder if I applied too much?

The solders may be incompatible. What are you trying to do, replace a defective chip to make an old board work?

You DON'T need ChipQuik. If the board was soldered with lead-free solder, diluting the solder with PbSn solder makes it easier. If it is already done with leaded solder, then you just need a little technique. For surface mount parts, use an Xacto knife under the pins, and lift them one at a time while touching with the iron. Generally, I remove as much solder as I can with solder wick first, then lift the pins. When one row of pins are lifted, the chip can be flexed a few times and the other row of pins break off. The remaining pins can be swept off with the soldering iron. Then, the solder can be removed with solder wick and the new chip installed.

For through hole chips, the safest way is to snip the pins off at the chip body with tiny diagonal cutters, remove the body and then pick each lead out with tweezers while heating the pad with the soldering iron. Also, with good desoldering tools, you can remove the chip without destroying it. The best desolderers have a vacuum pump (or air venturi pump) and a hollow desoldering tip. You apply the tip to the lead for about 5 seconds, then apply the vacuum while "swirling" the tip around the component lead. This works amazingly well, and the parts generally fall off the board when all leads are done, even on multi-layer boards. The solder suckers that are used with a standard iron are FAR inferior to the units described above.


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