On 07/19/2017 07:13 PM, Fred Cisin via cctalk wrote:

> In most places other than the south and Chicago, Coke and Pepsi are what
> is used.   I don't think that SNL (Saturday Night Live) ever did a "No
> Coke; RC" skit.

There's also some stuff called "Naval Jelly"


I was going to suggest leveling with Bondo, but that seemed the cheap
way to go.

I've used Bondo many times to fill missing bits of broken plastic
faceplates.   A little sanding and a coat of paint and it looks
downright presentable.

Machine tools (particularly Chinese ones) that use gray iron castings
are often smoothed with a Bondo-like putty before being painted.
(They're not very pretty under the putty).

If you were really serious about this, you could plate a generous coat
of copper, sand it smooth, then plate a layer of nickel.   But if you've
never done electroplating, it's probably not a good idea to start with
something valuable.


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