Probably Mozilla 1 or there about.  I think that was about the time I stopped 
trying to run any browser other than Lynx on my DEC Alpha.


> On Jul 26, 2017, at 5:40 PM, Cameron Kaiser via cctalk 
> <> wrote:
>> I have run DECwindows on a VAX 3100 model 300 under VAX/VMS 5.5-1 using the 
>> Motif window manager with a dozen remote DECterms open plus Emacs, a clock, 
>> a calendar, etc. and it gave reasonable performance.  The VAX was both the
> [...]
>> I was able to run Mozilla on it but performance was horrible
> Waaaaaaaait. There was a Mozilla build for VAX???
> I have Netscape Navigator 3, but I thought that was the last VAX build. It
> runs ... acceptably on my M76, though I wouldn't call it sprightly.
> -- 
> ------------------------------------ personal: 
> --
>  Cameron Kaiser * Floodgap Systems * *
> -- If you have integrity, nothing else matters. -- Alan Simpson 
> ---------------

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