Emergency moderation mode is in effect. Your posts to the list will likely
be delayed during this time. I'm sure it will return to non-emergency mode


I've ended the previous thread. That's a bit of a shame, as many of the held
postings in that thread were pretty interesting stuff that was both thorough
and eloquent.


I did not ban anyone from the list as a result of this fiasco. The thought
was certainly in my head, but a brief count to 012 first has allowed me to
take a different approach: I'll be sending a few private emails shortly.


Of more upbeat importance. as of today the bitsavers.org pdf/bits archive
has received a few hundred more gb of space (their space was pretty
cramped). If anyone notices any issues with that site, as always let Al know
but for the next week or so please also let me know in an effort to address
as quickly as possible.







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