> On Sep 10, 2017, at 5:24 PM, Fred Cisin via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> 
> wrote:
> On Sun, 10 Sep 2017, couryho...@aol.com wrote:
>> then..... who was..... the  TRUE  first?
> Michael Shrayer's girlfriend?
> And what motivated him to write "Electric Pencil"?
> Jerry started using it early on, but he was NOT the first user of it.
> Before Electric Pencil, what microcomputer word-processor programs preceded 
> that?   I seriously doubt that Michael Shrayer was the only one to write one.
> What word-processor programs existed prior to micros?

WPS-8, of course.  Wang had word processors in that same era.  Then there is 
the MT/ST which I think is older still.  And if you define it as "computer 
based text editor" then you'd go back at least to TECO, which first appeared on 
the PDP-1, so that would be early 1960s.


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