Thanks to Martin,

Where should we post, it the last copy I know of, movie.byu

From: Randy Dawson <>
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2017 10:30 PM
To: Peter Allan; General Discussion: On-Topic Posts
Subject: Re: Convex C220 lives

Hi Carmiel,

What did you do with the Ardent (Stardent).

That's where all your great benchmark demos are.  The Dore' system, the 'Flag' 

If you want Fortran, I have been working on MOVIE.BYU, a dusty deck, but I have 
almost got there.  It is wireframe and rendered poly animation.  It is 
currently barking at some float to integer in gfortran for the whole thing to 
come together, but I have the TITLE (3d wireframe of ASCII text working).

Thanks to

From: cctech <> on behalf of Peter Allan via 
cctech <>
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2017 12:02 PM
Subject: RE: Convex C220 lives

Hi Camiel,

Nice to hear that you have the Convex C220 up and running.

Regarding things to run on it, starting with LINPACK is probably a good
idea. However, in term of what they were actually used for back in the
1980's, I know that they were popular with the radio astronomy community,
starting with the Convex C1. The package called AIPS (Astronomical Image
Processing System) was the most popular way of processing data from
multi-antenna telescopes like the VLA in New Mexico.

AIPS (written in Fortran) is now known as AIPS Classic, to distinguish it
from AIPS++ (written in C++) which was developed in the 1990's. There is
plenty of information about it on the internet. If you have any difficulty
getting the code, let me know as I might be able to help.

AIPS is very portable; before the era of the mini-supers, it ran on a lot
of VAXen (yeah!!) amongst other things.


Peter Allan

> -----Original Message-----
>From: Camiel Vanderhoeven <>
>To: cctech <>
>Subject: Convex C220 lives
>Message-ID: <>
>Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="ISO-8859-1"
>For a change, rather than a request for help, here?s a success story: I
>managed to bring a Convex C220 (dual vector CPU mini supercomputer from
>1988) back to life. Both CPUs are working, but I?m running with a single
>CPU because of the power it draws with two CPUs. Next challenges: the
>Convex C1, and quad vector processor C240 (not before I?ve upgraded the
>power feed).
>Running ConvexOS 11.5.1, it has FORTRAN 7.0.1 installed; I ran a little
>benchmark, and with a single CPU the system clocks in at 49.1 MFLOPS on a
>big multiply-add loop (advertised peak performance was 50 MFLOPS per CPU).
>Getting the system to the state where it is now was quite a journey
>(though nowhere near as bad as it might have been). If you?re interested
>in the details, I have a (somewhat long) report of my work on my website;
>if you go to,

Convex C220<>
VAXBARN: Camiel Vanderhoeven's computer collection

>there are some links at the bottom that have much more details, as well as
>photos of the system and the boards.
>Now I?m looking for some FORTRAN code that would typically have run on
>this kind of computer so I can show people what this kind of system was
>used for.

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