Hi all,

I'm pretty new to PDP-11s. I recently got a PDP-11/73, M8192 CPU, two
M8067 RAM, M7195 (2 async SLU card with boot ROMs and an extra 128K of
RAM), plus a few other cards which I've removed to try and figure out
what is going on.

While playing in ODT, the console completely stopped responding. I
hooked up pin 1 to a scope and I can see the UART clock, divide by time
per division and 16 and I get something close to 9600.

The M8192 CPU has four diagnostic lights, as does the SLU. The CPU shows
1000, which I believe is fine, and means it's in ODT. The SLU card has
1111. I've had a Google and I believe this means it can't communicate
with the CPU.

I've cleaned the contacts with 99%+ isoproyl, but no luck
unfortunately. Does anyone have any ideas? It was working and then it
wasn't :(



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