One of the Ex-Tek's, Micheal Cranford has designed a modern FLASH based RAMPACK 
for the tape drive, and filled it with most of the known BASIC games.

More significant, Micheal has written FASTGRAPHICS, a replacement for the BASIC 
vector draw functions; 100x increase in performance, in addition to the ability 
to draw non-store vectors.

I think he has a few of these left.  The big problem is the RAMPACK plastic 
cases are recycled from old ROMPACKs and these are in short supply.

He is looking for a 'Toaster' too.  Can we get a count of active 405x users out 
there, and start a group effort to build, swap, restore 405x hardware?

(I got an original Kraft joystick, and starting that project from the 
schematics on bitsavers.)


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