I am looking at buying a pocket PC / PDA, so I can write idea/notes when I
am away from my computer

Hi Tom.

Welcome to 1997. :-)

the [Psion 3](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psion_Series_3) and [Psion
5](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psion_Series_5) look like good options,
but i read about the hinge/screen issues

I am leaning more towards the Psion 5 because of the easy of getting
but it has more things to break

but I am wounding about other options?

"Wondering"? :-)

Tom - Here's the dilemma. The pocket-sized DOS computers (HP-200, Atari Portfolio, etc.) are too small for their keyboards to be useful. The larger ones (all the Windows CE stuff that Liam mentioned, along with the awesome Psion Series 7/Psion Netbook) have good keyboards and screens, but they're fragile and kind of exotic for modern purposes.

For me, the solution is modern produts. I use a high-end Android smartphone and a low-end Chromebook. Either one is excellent when I need a quick/simple note-taking device. With the phone I use the "Google Keep" app for quite notes/lists. With the Chromebook I use an offline app just called "Text" because it's extremely fast and has good options.

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