On 5 February 2018 at 20:06, Chuck Guzis via cctalk
<cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:
> I have a similar gripe with barrel connectors,
> which don't seem to enforce any standard at all regarding polarity or AC
> vs. DC.

.. which led me to accidentally power a USB hub with 12V instead of 5V
- the power supplies looked the same, had the same plug, and I
couldn't read the tiny writing on the warts. That blew the nicest
notebook PC I've ever found - I bought it in Japan at a special price,
the normal price is out of my league.

Since then I have bought a Dymo and, armed with a magnifying glass,
went through all the chargers and warts I own and labelled them. Which
I should have done *before* the accident of course. But what if there
was some kind of standard for barrel connectors instead.. sigh.

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