OK I do know the  Pine   I used it at the stat of the internet  with a text 
browser  for webpages also. This back when I ran them on a slow  PC that was 
unable to run mosaic etc etc etc.    Wow   flashback...  and not necessarily a  
pleasant one! ( but those software items would run on darn near anything...   
In a message dated 5/17/2018 12:19:25 PM US Mountain Standard Time, 
cctalk@classiccmp.org writes:

 On Thu, 17 May 2018, Ed Sharpe via cctalk wrote:
> wonder how many are running that version of alpine that exists errors?
> Sent from AOL Mobile Mail

Are you hypothesizing that it is a specific version of Alpine that 
creates the extraneous characters, and produces the errors 
of captialization, punctuation, and inconsistent spacing?

I am using PINE, and only get the errors of captialization, punctuation, 
and inconsistent spacing.

OTOH, there are many of us with worse mispelings.

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