On Sat, 1 Sep 2018, Cameron Kaiser via cctalk wrote:

> An excellent question, but it is exactly the same socket as the 72-pin RAM
> SIMMs below it. I even labouriously counted all the pins on the board socket
> this morning just in case I'd missed something, and it's 72. The service
> manual even warns against installing RAM there.
> Is this actually a *non*-standard thing? I know Apple had all kinds of boffo
> L2 cache configurations for the beige Power Macs but Apple's Apple and
> certainly larger than Alpha Micro.

 I'd expect SRAM rather than DRAM on a cache SIMM.  Cache memory is 
supposed to be fast after all.  Otherwise why bother? -- caching only 
complicates things, so there has to be benefit in return.


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