> On Sep 26, 2018, at 9:19 AM, Bill Gunshannon via cctalk 
> <cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:
> Here's a list of stuff I need to cull from my collection.
> …
> DECServer 200 
> MC                                                                 3
> Desktop enclosure for DECServer 200 MC                             1
> There will be more to come.  Other A/D D/A modules.  Eventually
> may get to the bigger stuff but then it would be pickup only as I
> would never try to ship a box, not even the desktop ones.  :-)

        I’m interested in one of the DECServers but Bill says it’s big enough 
to be in the “pick up only” pile. If anyone ends up headed his way to pick up 
something, I would sure appreciate it if you would grab one of these (and the 
desktop enclosure, if it’s still available) and drop it at a Pak/n/Ship or 
equivalent to get it headed my way.
        I’m in San Antonio, TX 78254.
        If this looks like it’ll happen, let me know and I can send checks or 
transfer PayPal to you and Bill respectively for shipping and acquisition costs 
plus whatever trouble is appropriate.
        Thanks in advance, 
                                        - Mark

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