I have a filing cabinet with a lot of the early material that I saved.  Our company was a member, and I was the representative from the beginning.  If interested I can dig in and find out what I've go.

If any group will preserve it I'd be glad to share.  I don't think the committee would object, but I can check as I've still got contacts with the X10 committee which is the current SCSI group.

I think all I have predates the 87 / 88 by a lot.  I started when there was only 5mb interlocked ACK / REQ
transfers, and no disconnect / ATN defined in any way.


On 10/7/2018 10:15 AM, Noel Chiappa via cctalk wrote:
     > From: Keven Miller

     > I found that I have a copy of X3J11-88-001

I turned up a copy of X3J11/87-221; the one before that was X3J11/87-140.


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