On Sat, 27 Oct 2018 at 05:33, Tomasz Rola <rto...@ceti.pl> wrote:

I found this post incoherent and very hard to follow. I will therefore
limit myself to commenting to the responses direct to me.

OK, apart from:

> Ok guys, just to make things clearer, here are two pages from wiki:
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object-oriented_operating_system

This is perhaps the single worst article I've seen on Wikipedia.
Poorly written, technically ignorant, mostly nonsense.

> Plus, some kind of system programming language - I had no idea what
> Smalltalk was and I still have no idea but I might have swallowed
> that.

Right, then go learn a bit about it. You need that to understand this
subject properly, I submit.

> On Mon, Oct 22, 2018 at 04:14:34PM +0200, Liam Proven wrote:

> Very true, but if someone promises and does not deliver, who is he?

[1] A marketing person?
[2] Behaving in a 100% normal way for the IT industry?

> And nobody makes a small print saying "this is just marketing
> material, so do not count on it". If I cannot count on it, why waste
> my time?

You need to develop much stronger bullsh1t filters.

> No objection, except "everybody copied". I have seen those copies,
> including Gnomes and KDEs (up to about 2014, when I gave up trying)
> and considered them increasingly dysfunctional.

So? I didn't say they were _good_ copies. I made no judgement of quality at all.

>  The only thing that
> was better than original Windows GUI was stability (but after
> Windows2000 this one improved a lot, IMHO).

The NT family was always far more stable, not starting with W2K.

> And I was able to use
> virtual desktops and they did not suck (while I tried few virtual
> desktops on Win95 and they sucked like black hole and then some).

Win10 finally has working ones.

> What do I care if other people voluntarily push screwdrivers
> through the random body cavities of their own? Hey, sounds like golden
> opportunity for sharp hardware shop.

I do not see the relevance of this unpleasant image.

> This should be a responce to your message in this other thread, but I
> am not sure if I have this many time, so, as you claimed that Windows
> wrote a new book of UI or something:
>  :: Interface Hall of Shame / - Windows95 -
> http://hallofshame.gp.co.at/msoft.htm

Some of these are valid points. Some are quibbling about details. Some
display a serious lack of understanding of real ordinary people and
how they interact with computers. Some show a deep lack of
understanding of history -- bear in mind this was a v4 product, after
many point-releases too.

So, to pick an important example, for instance, it displays
apparently-complete ignorance of the Win3 model of "MDI" -- multiple
document inheritance -- which was an important design principle of
Windows 3.x and OS/2 1.x and which MS started to systematically
eliminate in Win9x and IBM started to eliminate in OS/2 2.x.

This is a big, important concept and I don't even see it _mentioned_.

Some are just cheap shots.

I don't consider it overall to be particularly interesting or incisive.

You are free to if you wish, of course.

> And yet I choose to use Linux harder, just because it did job, whereas
> Windows could not (unless I wanted unreliable computer, and I cannot
> use unreliable when reliable is available or I get flaming mad).

Fine. Good for you. So? What does this say about the UIs of the OSes?

> As a side note, I do not claim Linux is oh so the bestest of them
> all. It just can do things I consider important while Windows could
> not (every time I try using it in serious manner, after about hour my
> index finger wants to fall off from constant mouse stimulation). And
> some time ago Linux started accumulating certain fringe elements, so a
> jump to another platform is necessary.

All OSes suck. Some suck slightly more than others. Some, e.g. BeOS or
EPOC, slightly less.

> I am amazed too. Apparently you do with Windows something else than I
> would, and if it works for you, I am cool.

I don't use it at all if I can avoid it.

However, I did spend about 25y supporting it.

Liam Proven - Profile: https://about.me/liamproven
Email: lpro...@cix.co.uk - Google Mail/Hangouts/Plus: lpro...@gmail.com
Twitter/Facebook/Flickr: lproven - Skype/LinkedIn: liamproven
UK: +44 7939-087884 - ČR (+ WhatsApp/Telegram/Signal): +420 702 829 053

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