On 11/12/2018 08:51 PM, Fred Cisin via cctalk wrote:

IFF DEC used a commercial font, then it should be possible to find it.

But, it is extremely likely that they did NOT use a commercial font, and either had their graphics art people draw the characters as needed, or used reference patterns of their own that are NOT incorporated into a computer font. Were these DEC "fonts" fully formed, or a very fine bit pattern?

Well, how DID they make panels? I'm guessing that in the beginning, it was all done manually with photo/optical technology, the same stuff they used to make boards. Also, used to screen print part numbers on sheet metal, power supply parts, etc. So, they may have gotten pre-made letters on some kind of carrier sheet, and transferred them to a mylar sheet, and then photographically reproduced that onto a master phototool, which was then used to make the silk screen. This would be all standard technology to anybody making PC boards in the 1960's - 1970's.

While DEC got big enough to do this all in house or have one of the providers in this area make it for them, they also might have just picked a font they liked from somebody's catalog. A LOT of advertising signage and all sorts of graphics arts stuff was done by hand with photographic technology at that time. Bishop Graphics comes to mind as a provider of transferable lettering and of course, DIP component patterns and such.

I suspect that they didn't get into any digital graphics technology until at least the later DEC-10 systems, so mid 1970's.


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