On Fri, 30 Nov 2018, Fred Cisin via cctalk wrote:

> > Well, ATA drives at that time should have already had the capability to
> > remap bad blocks or whole tracks transparently in the firmware, although
> Not even IDE.
> Seagate ST4096  (ST506/412 MFM)  80MB formatted, which was still considered
> good size by those of us who weren't wealthy.

 Sure!  You did need a bad block list for such a drive though.

> > Of course the ability to remap bad storage areas transparently is not an
> > excuse for the OS not to handle them gracefully, it was not that time yet
> > back then when a hard drive with a bad block or a dozen was considered
> > broken like it usually is nowadays.
> Yes, they still came with list of known bad blocks.  Usually taped to the
> drive.  THIS one wasn't on the manufacturer's list, and neither SpeedStor nor
> SpinRite could find it!
> There were other ways to lock out a block besides filling it with a garbage
> file, but that was easiest.

 IIRC for MS-DOS the canonical way was to mark the containing cluster as 
bad using a special code in the FAT.  Both `format' and `chkdsk' were able 
to do that, as were some third-party tools.  That ensured that disk 
maintenance tools, such as `defrag', didn't reuse the cluster for 
something else as it could happen with a real file assignment of such a 

> And, I did try to tell the Microsoft people that the OS "should recover
> gracefully from hardware errors".  In those words.

 I found switching to Linux a reasonable solution to this kind of customer 
service attitude.  There you can fix an issue yourself or if you don't 
feel like, then you can hire someone to do it for you (or often just ask 
kindly, as engineers usually feel responsible for code they have 
committed, including any bugs). :)

> > Did 3.1 support running in the real mode though (as opposed to switching
> > to the real mode for DOS tasks only)?  I honestly do not remember anymore,
> > and ISTR it was removed at one point.  I am sure 3.0 did.
> I believe that it did.  I don't remember WHAT the program didn't like about
> 3.1, or if there were a real reason, not just an arbitrary limit.
> I don't think that the Cordata's refusal to run on 286 was based on a real
> reason.
> But, the Win 3.1 installation program(s) balked at anything without A20 and a
> tiny bit of RAM above 100000h I didn't have a problem with having a few
> dedicated machines (an XT with Cordata interface, an AT with Eiconscript card
> for postscript and HP PCL, an AT Win 3.0 for the font editor, a machine for
> disk duplication (no-notch disks), order entry, accounting, and lots of
> machines with lots of different floppy drive types.)  I also tested every
> release of my programs on many variants of the platform (after I discovered
> the hard way that 286 had a longer pre-fetch buffer than 8088!)

 Hmm, interesting.  I never tried any version of MS Windows on a PC/XT 
class machine and the least equipped 80286-based system I've used had at 
least 1MiB of RAM and a chipset clever enough to remap a part of it above 
1MiB.  And then that was made available via HIMEM.SYS.

 What might be unknown to some is that apart from toggling the A20 mask 
gate HIMEM.SYS also switched on the so-called "unreal mode" on processors 
that supported it.  These were at least the 80486 and possibly the 80386 
as well (but my memory has faded about it at this point), and certainly 
not the 80286 as it didn't support segment sizes beyond 64kiB.  This mode 
gave access to the whole 4GiB 32-bit address space to real mode programs, 
by setting data segment limits (sizes) to 4GiB.

 This was possible by programming segment descriptors in the protected 
mode and then switching back to the real mode without resetting the limits 
to the usual 64kiB value beforehand.  This worked because unlike in the 
protected mode segment register writes made in the real mode only updated 
the segment base and not the limit stored in the corresponding descriptor.  
IIRC it was not possible for the code segment to use a 4GiB limit in the 
real mode as it would malfunction (i.e. it would not work as per real mode 
expectations), so it was left at 64kiB.

 According to Intel documentation software was required to reset segment 
sizes to 64kiB before switching back to the real mode, so this was not an 
officially supported mode of operation.  MS Windows may or may not have 
made use of this feature in its real mode of operation; I am not sure, 
although I do believe HIMEM.SYS itself did use it (or otherwise why would 
it set it in the first place?).

 I discovered it by accident in early 1990s while experimenting with some 
assembly programming (possibly by trying to read from beyond the end of a 
segment by using an address size override prefix, a word or a doubleword 
data quantity and an offset of 0xffff and not seeing a trap or suchlike) 
and could not explain where this phenomenon came from as it contradicted 
the x86 processor manual I had.  I only learnt later on about this unreal 
mode and that HIMEM.SYS used to activate it.

 I don't know if the unreal mode has been retained in the x86 architecture 
to this day; as I noted above it was not officially supported.  But then 
some originally undocumented x86 features, such as the second byte of AAD 
and AAM instructions actually being an immediate argument that could have 
a value different from 10, have become standardised at one point.


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