On 12/4/18 7:51 AM, Dennis Boone via cctalk wrote:
>  > That's all I could find, too.  If anyone knows where the source might
>  > be or stumbles on it, I would definitely be interested as well.
> I think that's Hector Peraza's site.  His email address is listed; you
> could try writing to him.
> De

Subject: Re: Interested in a Z280 SBC
Posted by
 on Thu, 12 Oct 2017 12:44:09 GMT
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lowen wrote on Wed, 11 October 2017 06:44While I personally would like to see a 
bit more
coordination of efforts especially in the area of the C compiler, assembler, 
and emulator, I know of
several efforts by several people already underway.  I am very interested in 
the emulation side of
things, and even going as far as a VHDL or verilog core that could be used in 
an FPGA.  With the
annoying bugs fixed, of course!
Some of the bugs could even be emulated (if they are not of erratic nature, of 
course). That could
be useful in case someone wants to test a program on the FPGA version that is 
intended to work
on the real iron as well. The "compatibility" mode could be controlled by a bit 
in an additional CPU
control register.
Which brings up another question: is there any updated list somewhere of the 
known Z280 bugs?
So far the information available is rather fragmented and incomplete.
Quote:To all who are involved in doing a compiler, assembler, or emulator: I 
know you've probably
posted before, but I would like to get a list together of all of these efforts 
and see what
coordination might be possible.
OK, here is my list:
 native Z280 (macro)-assembler, preferably M80 or SLR compatible (currently 
working on that)
debugger (e.g. like DDTZ, but using the single-step capabilities of the chip) 
get UZI280 working
(haven't even looked at it yet) and add more utilities, etc. same for Fuzix 
port of MP/M better hard
disk support (e.g. via FDISK utility like the one for the P112, with automatic 
recognition of
partitions in CP/M and UZI so one will not have to change the BIOS every time 
partitions change)
better ROM setup? again taking the P112 as an example (i.e. adding disk timing 
parameters to
the NV RAM, if possible add a simple embedded debugger?) a Verilog or VHDL Z280 
perhaps taking T80 as the base. And if I really get the time, would like to 
make something like this,
so it could be plugged directly into the CPU280 CPU socket. and like Lamar I 
also have my own,
other niche project - a port of a multitasking, RSX-11M-like OS I wrote many 
years ago for the Z80
(now ported to the Z180). The PDP-11 always was my favorite machine, and the 
Z280 has many
PDP-ish features, including a similar MMU, so for me is an interesting hobby 

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