On 12/27/18 9:46 AM, Glen Slick via cctalk wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 27, 2018 at 9:17 AM W2HX via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:
>> I've been building up a nice little PDP-11/23+ with cabinets, RL02's etc. To 
>> really round things off, I'm looking for a open reel-to-reel style 9-track 
>> tape drive to add to the system (don't ask why, punishment must be somewhere 
>> in my nature).  Not interested in the autoloading/drawer type drives.
>> There are some fujitsu drives on ebay at the moment, but shipping from CA to 
>> NY is both costly and risky.
>> Does anyone have a (preferably working) 9-track drive that can be used with 
>> a PDP-11 (like a pertec interface) for sale? Willing to drive anywhere from 
>> Philly to Boston for one.
> If you can find a Fujitsu M2444AC within driving distance that is a
> good option. The cache buffer in the drive can prevent a lot of
> start/stop action with a slower host. I have used one to install
> 2.11BSD and RSTS/E 10.1 on PDP-11 systems with Pertec controller
> boards. But at somewhere around 200 pounds they are not something you
> want to ship.

If you;re only interested in 1600 PE and 6250 GCR, the Fuji drive is a
great choice--well-constructed and easy to operate.  Yes, it is pretty
heavy, but in the universe of open-reel tape drives, it's a
featherweight.  Not sure about 200 lbs, though.  I managed to get mine
off a pickup truck bed onto a dolly, up a short flight of stairs and
into a 6' rack single-handedly.

Maybe I was just lucky or stupid.


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