> On Jan 7, 2019, at 10:40 AM, Paul Koning via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> 
> wrote:
> ...
> 5. You should now have the crash dump in [0,1]CRASH.SYS, so you can either 
> extract that file and the OS image (the RSTS "SIL" file), or the whole disk.  
> To analyze it, you can use the standard utility ANALYS, or the unsupported 
> SDA Forth program.  I haven't tried SDA on a V6C image, though; it will 
> probably work but no guarantees.  

I just tried it.  While FORTH works, SDA from the V10 kit does not because it 
expects to see V10 kernel data structures and the ones in V6 are quite 
different.  So much of the benefit of SDA in that it knows how to pick apart 
kernel data structures goes away, leaving you with little more than what ANALYS 
does.  It would be possible to update (downdate?) it for V6C, but that's not a 
small job.


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