
On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 08:52:25PM -0700, Grant Taylor via cctalk wrote:
> Nice haul.

I also acquired an RS/6000 7012-340,  its 7208 8mm tape drive, and a couple
of 9121 voice servers.  It used to run DirectTalk/6000.

> You mentioned telnet, which largely implies TCP/IP, which in combination 
> with Token Ring means specific things.  Things which I question about 
> how much of a "bridge" the device was as much as a gateway.

I might have the terminology wrong.  I not very familiar with the token ring
side of things.  By the time I got into mainframe operations about twenty
years ago we only had a few token ring devices left.  The RS/6000 mentioned
above was only connected to the token ring side of our network.  It
connected to the 3174 via token ring to screen scrape emulated 3270
sessions.  Before the RS/6000 was shut down, I was able to telnet to it from
my PC, which was on the Ethernet side of the network.

The router in is the Cisco 2500 series, perhaps a 2513.  I found this photo
on the net, which looks like the router in question, if I remember correctly:

As for using telnet on the 3174, I'm going by what I've seen posted on
Hercules mailing lists about how others have connected real terminals to the
Hercules mainframe emulator.  A few pictures of such terminals connected to
Hercules can be found at:

The posts I've seen say one either needs a router to act as a token ring to
Ethernet bridge, or a PC with both token ring and Ethernet cards in it to
act as a bridge.


Bruceville, TX

What's the definition of a legacy system? One that works!
Errare humanum est, ignoscere caninum.

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