On 3/21/2019 11:40 AM, Christian Corti via cctalk wrote:
> On Thu, 21 Mar 2019, Jay Jaeger wrote:
>> On 3/20/2019 9:56 AM, Jon Elson via cctalk wrote:
>>> On 03/19/2019 09:51 PM, W2HX via cctalk wrote:
>>>> The pertec-to-SD project sounds very cool. Keep me in mind if you need
>>>> testers/buyers.
>>> Yes, me too!  I still have a working 92185 (Keystone) drive, and could
>>> be interested if your design is not too expensive.
>> Me Three.  I have a couple of Pertec drives.
> I have a couple of unformatted drives and could use some formatters with
> Pertec interface...
> Christian

I have some Pertec formatters - but shipping over the pond would be
prohibitive?  They are in unknown condition, and likely need work.  I'd
have to look up their capabilities - I seem to recall at least one of
them was for a 7 track drive (or maybe 7/9 drive).  A couple of them
hosted a mouse one year, but were subsequently cleaned up:

BOX     CATEGORY        ROOM    LOCATION        DESCRIPTION     Type    
SERIAL_NUMBER   Replacement
NOTES   Inventory

Pertec Formatter #1     UNIT    Garage  Slot 14 Pertec Formatter F649-72        
Mouse entered, but cleaned      9/18/2012

Pertec Formatter #2     UNIT    Garage  Slot 14 Pertec Formatter F649-40        
Mouse entered, but cleaned      9/18/2012

Pertec Formatter #3     UNIT    Garage  Slot 14 Pertec Formatter F649-72        
Cleaned 9/18/2012

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