On 4/2/19 4:20 PM, Ali via cctalk wrote:
So I took out the HV board and it was super dirty (I added pictures on the thread in VCF at www.vcfed.org/forum/showthread.php?69109-Help-with-LJ-4-Printer-Repair-Please&p=564565 ).

I saw.

Nothing that should really prevent electrical flow but I cleaned it out anyhow. Re-installed and the issue remained.


While the printer was cold I ran another HV test and interestingly the toner drum had a very faint picture on the drum. So it looks like the toner is not being deposited on the drum appropriately until something "warms up".

My gut tells me that there's something going on with the HV section and not actually pulling toner like it needs to.

Given your comment below about the caps, I'm wondering if they are taking longer to charge up and the additional pages allow for them to charge to a sufficient level.

The question now is, is this a toner problem (since I believe the corona wire is in the cartridge) or a HV problem. Since I am not getting error codes I am guessing the cartridge is bad for one reason or another.... How likely is that in your experience vs. the HV board going bad and just not erroring out? Two of the caps look like they may have leaked on the HV board (see the stains on the PCB in the before picture?). However, I don't see any bulging capacitors or anything blown. Thanks.

It sounds like the caps have not (yet) completely failed.

I'd bet $10 on the HV supply being your problem.

Grant. . . .
unix || die

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