Very nice photos although I am confused by some. Some of them appear to
be moving but a lot of stuff stays still. What is happening??

This one for example:


On  1 May 2019 at 21:10 BST, Jason T via cctalk wrote:

> Last weekend I made an unannounced visit out to Roswell, GA to visit
> our brothers-and-sisters-in-hoarding at the Vintage Computer Festival
> Southeast.  They were hosted by the new location of the Computer
> Museum of America, not yet open to the public.  The show was a solid
> representation of the hobby, with a wide range of micros, minis and
> workstations as well as a few calculators and computing ephemera.  On
> the museum side, I've never seen so many Crays in once place - and
> they're not even done yet!
> Here is my photo set:
> (contains computers, computer collectors and one giant rabbit)
> Big thanks to Earl and the gang for putting on another great VCF and
> showing me that southern hospitality.
> More VCF Midwest news coming soon!
> -j

Aaron Jackson, Research Associate
Computer Vision Lab, University of Nottingham

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