On Tue, Jun 11, 2019, 12:55 PM Jonathan Haddox via cctalk <
cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:

> I'm restoring an IMS - L/F Technologies S-100 Bus computer.  I've got all
> the pieces except for the Operating System.  I'm hoping that someone here
> may have a disk stashed away.  From the literature I have read, I would
> need TurboDOS version 1.40a or 1.41c from IMS or L/F Technologies.  I've
> seen TurboDOS 1.3 versions out in the wild from IMS, but the 1.4 version
> was greatly enhanced and offered better compatibility with my specific
> hardware.  I'd be much obliged if anyone can help.
> Thanks,
> Jonathan
> new_castle_j  at yahoo

Can you detail the associated hardware (drive controller, drive model, CPU,


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