> From: Joe Zatarski joezatarski at gmail.com 

    > The posts you mentioned were sent to cctech. .. that list is
    > moderated .. You'll notice these posts are now in both archives. 

Ah, that could be it. I thought I'd found them in the Subject: thread
archive at the same time they weren't in the other, but maybe my memory is

    > From: Eric Christopherson

    > the reply to the message headed "No subject" .. actually seems to
    > have a blank subject, as a result of which it doesn't seem to be
    > possible to even view it (since there's no link to click)! 

Which is how I discovered those messages which weren't (yet) in the
archive; I took the URL for the previous message, edited it to point to
the next message, and discovered the 'missing' ones. (Apparently the
list software makes messages available via the Web interface before
they've been approved and added to the archive.)

    > John H. Reinhardt

    > And now I know why your posts always break the threading in
    > Thunderbird...

Hey,I don't want my emailbox clogged up with this stuff! :-)


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