On Wed, Sep 18, 2019 at 06:34:55PM -0700, Chuck Guzis via cctalk wrote:
> You have to be OLD to have used these?  Golly, maybe I really am OLD.

No.  I encountered similar phones at a Service Merchandise I worked at in
the early '90s.  They were connected to some type of early PBX system.  I
wish I knew more about it.

> My grandmother's was 46 (no exchange or dial; rural phone company).

That reminds me of an early Lassie episode.  Lassie was going blind, and
Jeff took her into the city to a human eye doctor.  The doctor asked Jeff
for his phone number.  Jeff replied, "There's no number.  Just one long
ring, two short ... Jenny knows."  Jenny was the Calverton switchboard

> Anyone collect the old Rolm (IBM) PBX stuff?

No, but if I ever come across any I might.  Having worked in z/OS and AS/400
operations for a couple of decades I've developed a fondness for IBM gear.


Bruceville, TX

What's the definition of a legacy system? One that works!
Errare humanum est, ignoscere caninum.

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