I suspect a number of members are like me - when there's salvage or rescue stuff on the radar you grab first and ask question later otherwise tomorrow it might not be there.
I quite like those picker shows and subscribe to their philosophy "buy (or grab) it when you see it". I'm still ruing the day I let a TRS-80 Model II with a full set of floppy drives go by procrastinating as I haven't seen one since. Anyway a little while ago someone I know was quitting their business and gave me all their office salvage - laptops, PC's, printers, KVMs, routers, monitors etc etc. As before I did not ask any questions and did not look the gift horse in the mouth. The other day I needed a CD drive for a little project and went through the stuff , found something promising and opened it up. Anyway they'd been doing all their "business" in there (number ones and twos amongst many other things I suspect) and the machine was a write off. I suspect finds by other list members have been even more "interesting" http://koken.advancedimaging.com.au/index.php?/albums/interesting-finds/ Kevin Parker