
>> Yes, can (get a kit with SMT work done)
> OK, that’s the answer I needed;
> If I want to put one of these in a KS10, can the parity lines be hacked from the software > (the KS10 uses them as two extra data bits) or are they hard-wired to parity?

Several people asked to make UniBone PDP-10able, it should be not problem.

UNIBUS PA,PB are (like all other signals) just pins on a GPIO multiplier, no interpretation is done in hardware.

On software side the PRU must sample 18bit instead of 16bit for DATA, then lots of "uint16_t" must be changed to "uint32_t" in the whole software stack.

Not clear what to do with existing device emulators: did DEC construct 18bit mutants for a few PDP-11 peripherals to run them in KS10?

UNIBUS on a PDP-10 makes only sense to me if the big pool of PDP-11 peripherals can be used directly.



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