Try bulk erasing your disks before you format them, because if you are reformatting a used disk, the content in the boot sector could confuse the operating system.

For PC-DOS, if track 0 is actually bad, then the disk can not be properly used for DOS. It should be destroyed, or used on an operating system that does not need track 0. (many CP/M systems use track 0 as a system track, but don't need it for a data disk)

In some versions of DOS, there can be erroneous error messages about track 0 being bad, due to DOS not properly handling attempt to DMA straddling a 64K boundary. If you get the message on all disks, then look at you CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files, and add or remove a TSR or device driver, so that the TPA (Transient Program Area) will be in a different place.

You have not told us which operating system,
size and type of diskette,
name of the "utility" that you are looking for, What is a "kiooyt"?

On Wed, 15 Jan 2020, wdegroot via cctalk wrote:

i read / viewes a video on ormattinf a floppy with trk 0 bad

i attempted to download the suggested utility
bt it returned " filenot foiud:

if there is sich a util, can you sedn me the file?

it is annoying to have a kiooyt go bad te next tie it is used. sometimes in minutes.

i am generaly working wit oder stuss on ss retirement.

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