Looking at the datasheet for the 6809 (specifically, the 6809E that needs incoming quadrature clock), I read that !HALT can be asserted 200nS (for 1MHz part) before falling Q and the CPU will finish the existing instruction and then go into a HALT state as long as the HALT line is low during the falling edge of Q.

That's the store from the datasheet, but when I am testing it, I see that, even if I pull HALT low at the very beginning of the last cycle of an instruction, the 6809 will not acknowledge the HALT until executing the next instruction.

My logic is watching for IO address $ff61.  When found, it drops Q

so, to start the HALT condition, I need only:

lda $ff61

Not that the trigger is being performed by the code, so the current instruction (the lda) should complete and then the CPU should go into HiZ.  What I see is:

lda $ff61

lda $ff60 <- the next instruction

executed, and THEN the CPU goes into HiZ.

I can deal with this (Yes, I should just look at BS=BA=1, which tell when to safely use the bus, but I don't have access to those signals for this project), but I thought I'd see if this was known by all, or if there is something I am missing.


Jim Brain

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