I was doing field service on 3270 terminals among other things up until 1983 and I never saw a 3278 or 3279 with a keyboard like this, all the ones I recall seeing where an earlier capacitive switch keyboard that is sometimes referred to as the "Beam-spring" switch.  That said this ones does seem to have all the right keys in the right place for a 3270 keyboard.  The replacement product for the 3279 was announced spring of 1984 so 3279 may have already been out of production when this keyboard was made.


On 2020-03-03 12:48 p.m., Mattis Lind via cctalk wrote:
The connector is the correct one. It has four jumpers that could be used
for setting one of the keyboard types using the KB ident lines.




Which terminal was it used for originally?


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