On 04/21/2020 10:09 PM, Brent Hilpert via cctalk wrote:
On 2020-Apr-21, at 5:27 PM, Chris Zach via cctalk wrote:
Meantime reading the manual I found an interesting test: If you short emitter 
to base on Q4 (easiest way is to jumper diode D10) the voltage on the -12v 
supply goes to .4 volts. They're saying it's E2, R15,R17,R14.

Is there a way I can test the op-amp in circuit? Maybe it's dead.

Well, if the circuit **IS** regulating, then the voltage on the two inputs will be identical. But, since it might not be regulating, then these voltages would not be equal. But, if you can see that the + input is more positive than the - input, yet the output is pegged negative, for instance, then you know either the op-amp is bad, or another circuit is overloading
the output and forcing it that way.


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