Hey, all.

I was browsing various craigslist places around the US and found someone 
selling off a substantial collection of classic micros outside Minneapolis

His ad is here:

Through our email chats I've determined that he has these components of an old 
Heathkit system of unknown workingness:

H17-3 floppy drive
H17-2 drive chassis
Zenith data systems ZVM-131 monitor

Also, he has a terminal made by Data-100, for which I can't find much info but 
I suspect will be a 3270-compatible terminal of some sort.

He also has a variety of micros, particularly some Atari 8-bit, Apple II , 
CoCos, and other things.  The photos in the ad only show a fraction of what he 
has.  He's not terribly knowledgeable - he came into this stuff as part of an 
estate cleanout and had 4 pickup truck loads of this stuff, so who knows what 
has been lost.

I let him know that I would be posting here, so feel free to reach out to him 

Anyway, I figured I'd post this here given that someone in the Minneapolis area 
might be interested in checking some of this stuff out, in a covid-compliant 
manner, of course...


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