It is going to need a lot of contact cleaning.
The one thing I like is the carry design the Zuse used. Really fast for relays 
but not of much use for solid state.

From: cctech <> on behalf of osi.superboard via 
cctech <>
Sent: Thursday, October 1, 2020 6:07 AM
To: <>
Subject: Zuse Z4 - Oldest Surviving Computer in the World - Lost in the archives

A few days ago, it was published on BLOC@CACM that a lost user manual
for the Z4 and notes on flutter calculations was found in the ETH Zürich
archives. See:

Zuse Z4, a relay computer of 1945,  however, due to lack of
documentation, its functionality was largely unknown. Now a manual for
the machine has appeared at ETH Zurich, that was buried in the archives.
And this in the digital age ...


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