> On 6 Jan 2021, at 08:46, Adrian Stoness via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> 
> wrote:
> how come when ever  people post these numbers can never find the item

http://ebay.com/itm/203239156838 <http://ebay.com/itm/203239156838>
http://ebay <http://ebay/>.com/itm/203239181341

>> ebay numbers 203239156838 and 203239181341
>> Not affiliated with the seller. Just saw the listings - can't believe that
>> such cool systems are still stored in some warehouses in the U.S. for
>> business purposes ...
>> Cheers,
>> Pierre
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> http://www.digitalheritage.de

Adrian Graham
Owner of Binary Dinosaurs, the UK's biggest private home computer collection?
t: @binarydinosaurs    f: facebook.com/binarydinosaurs
w: www.binarydinosaurs.co.uk

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