Awesome!  Thank you, I’ve been trying to wrap my brain around how it could be 
done. Though after printing and cutting it out, it strikes me as a bit strange. 
 It blocks F7-F20 on both the LK201 and the LK401.  

I would assume that they probably had a second template that was for the 
function keys.  The online help makes it sound like there may have been 3 
templates; edit key, numeric keypad, and function key.  After seeing this, I 
have an idea for creating a better template, and might give it a go.


> On May 11, 2021, at 3:27 PM, Jerry Weiss <> wrote:
> On 5/7/21 8:45 PM, Zane Healy via cctalk wrote:
>> Strange question, does anyone happen to have the keyboard overlays for the 
>> VAX/VMS version of Word Perfect that they can photograph, or better yet 
>> scan?  I have the manuals, and the green, red, and blue stickers on the VT 
>> keyboard, but no overlays.  I *might* have the overlays, but I can’t find 
>> the the VT keyboard I’m thinking of (though after digging, I know I have 
>> more than I thought).
>> I’m looking for the VT200/300 version (which should work for my LK401).
>> Zane
> If I had gone searching for it, I would have never found it.  As luck would 
> have it, one just appeared while I was scrounging other things.
> Scan sent via pm.
>        Jerry

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