Thank you for the quick reply.  As soon as you wrote that, I checked my
list again and I have two entries for 74151.  The other is 2392121 which I
assume is the right one?

Would you mind sharing your list?  I can cross-reference and see how
accurate mine is.

Thanks again,

On Fri, Jun 11, 2021 at 4:29 PM Paul Berger via cctalk <> wrote:

> My reliable list says your cheap logic tester is right 1582601 = 74157
> Paul.
> On 2021-06-11 5:22 p.m., Santo Nucifora via cctalk wrote:
> > I am currently working on an IBM 5100 that has some issues. I know for
> > certain that the 5100 has a bad graphics controller card so I need to dig
> > into component level replacements for those ICs I can replace. I have a
> > list of logic chip equivalents to the IBM part numbers that are written
> on
> > the chips but I don't think it's 100% accurate because IBM part number
> > 1582601 comes back as 74151 "DATA SEL/MUX" but when I use one of those
> > cheap logic chip testers (that is surprisingly accurate), it comes back
> as
> > a 74157. For the record, if I test a 74151, it comes back as a 74151 so
> the
> > tester is correct. I just want to make sure the table I have is accurate
> > and that the tester is not 100% accurate or if that chip has failed and
> > tests like a 74157 in it's state.
> >
> > This is the current list I am using that I got from somewhere but I don't
> > recall where:
> >
> > Does anyone have an IBM logic chip equivalency table for 74 series logic
> > chips?
> >
> > Any help is much appreciated.
> > Santo

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