Joshua Rice via cctalk wrote:

> Though i’m no expert, it looks like those are more an artefact of production, 
> rather than usable test points. It seems like those pins extend throughout 
> the ceramic substrate, and were most likely produced by pushing the pins 
> through holes in the substrate and then soldering them. This may have been a 
> solution used when the factory making them had limited tooling, or the chip 
> was particularly low volume and more dedicated tooling was uneconomical.
> > On Feb 9, 2021, at 10:27 AM, Paul Birkel via cctalk <> 
> > wrote:
> > 
> > In item I am curious as to whether the
> > gold islands on the top-side are functional test-points giving electrical
> > access to the underside pins?  Was there a clip designed to attach to the
> > top-side of these chips for use in circuit analysis?  Was this design unique
> > to Russian manufacture (I don't recall ever seeing this design previously)?
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > paul
> > 


is it symtomatic for US people that things that russians do and that 
they couldn't explain, must have something todo with "limited tooling"
or other limitations that russians "must have"?

Nazis had the same idea, all other people seemed to be limited in on or
another way. You already know what came later.


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