On Oct 1, 2021, at 9:36 AM, <jw...@classiccmp.org> <jw...@classiccmp.org> wrote:
> Zane wrote...
> A few years ago, I looked at ZOC v7, and others.  I opted for SecureCRT, and 
> use it on my Mac and my iPad.  Though the Mac version is well over $100.  It 
> seems to have about the best DEC Terminal emulation I could find on the Mac, 
> and it supports keyboard mapping.
> ----------
> Seconded on "SecureCRT". It is one of the few programs that I pay for a 
> license for. I do believe it has the most complete/solid vt100 and other dec 
> terms emulation I have ever seen. Most other term progs only support the 
> basics of vt100 and a few more advanced options. I haven't found anything yet 
> that securecrt doesn't implement and implement correctly as far as vt100 
> goes. I have never needed anything color-related though, that may or may not 
> be as well done.
> I paid for a windows license, but I believe I also get free access to linux 
> and mac versions just for licensing the windows version. In addition, every 
> time I have emailed them (Van Dyke) and said "hey, would be handy to have 
> feature xxx", it has come out in the next version. The really do listen to 
> customers for product enhancements/features.
> It is the only term program I use, as it literally handles anything I've ever 
> considered possibly wanting to do (including a pretty full featured scripting 
> language). There is one exception - HP terminal emulation - specifically the 
> ones with the 8 function labels at the bottom of the screen. For anything 
> old-HP related, I use QCterm. Also free, and does a great job with all the 
> funky HP terminal oddities 😃
> SecureCRT for windows - software + 1 year of support = $99usd. I do the 3yr 
> option instead which is $139usd. Of all the software products I have paid 
> for, this one is probably the best value to me.
> J

I do keep a VT420 on a DECserver next to my Mac, as sometimes it’s more 
convenient to have the proper LK401 keyboard.  My only complaint about 
SecureCRT would be its handling of Double-Width/Double-Height characters, but 
that’s not something you normally run into.

It would be nice if they’d add REGIS support. :-)

As long as you have active support, you get free upgrades.

It’s xterm emulation offers 256 colour.  VT100/VT102/VT220/VT320 emulation 
offers ANSI Colour, but I’ve never played with that.  Trying it just now, it 
gives me colours on a Linux system.  I don’t know that I have anything on VMS 
that would give colours.


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