On 12/6/21 10:13 AM, Henk Gooijen via cctalk wrote:

> If this RK11-C “blinkenlight” panel would also become available in a 60% 
> scaled format,
> I would buy it immediately. It would be an “übercool” addition to the 
> PiDP-11/70 and
> my 60% scaled (“working”) RK05 drive. I only modified the files pdp11_cpu and 
> pdp11_rk05,
> and added my own code to handle the 2 switches, 8 indicators and the door / 
> disk loading.
> see https://www.pdp-11.nl/pidp1170/rk05/rk05startpage.html (at the bottom of 
> the page).
> I will check whether it could be scaled to 60% using standard 3 mm 
> (warm-white) LEDs
> (if those exist, else I would probably use yellow-ish).

I do agree that it would be very cool to add a scaled indicator panel to
your PiDP-11 and scaled RK05.  You'd have to do new scaled circuit
boards to be driven from the RPi and a new scaled bezel and light-shield
as well as the inlay.  It's all possible but I don't think I'll be doing
it.  You are most welcome, though, to the work I've done on any and all
of those pieces if you want to take them and scale them down.

If you watched the little video I posted of my early blinking lights,
you probably noticed how blue those white LEDs were.  I've since
switched to a different LED that looks, at least to my eye, a whole lot
better.  In these pictures you can see a comparison.




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