On 3/14/22 19:53, Paul Koning via cctalk wrote:
Saw a note on the GCC list that I thought some here might find interesting: it 
announces the existence (not quite done but getting there) of a COBOL language 
front end for GCC.  Interesting.  For those who deal in legacy COBOL 
applications that want a more modern platform, I wonder if this might be a good 
way to get there.  Run old COBOL dusty decks on Linux, yeah...

I rejuvenated some old Pascal programs using the FPC (Free Pascal Compiler) that is basically the same idea.  It was designed to take Borland Turbo Pascal and DEC Pascal extensions, and did quite well with it.

In 1996 I built a laser photoplotter and wrote a Turbo Pascal program to convert Gerber photoplotter language to raster strips and run the plotter directly off the PC with a DMA card.  That computer was getting REALLY old, and I was worried about keeping it working, so I migrated the plotting to a Beagle Bone with the PRU microcontroller emulating the DMA card.  Then, I migrated the Gerber-raster converter program to FPC and cleaned it up a bit.


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