> On Mar 18, 2022, at 1:31 PM, Dave Wade G4UGM via cctalk 
> <cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:
> I missed a lot of this because g-mail decided to bounce some e-mails.
> I would like to make a couple of observations:-
> 1. Many real accredited museums have a smaller percentage of their artifacts
> on display than private collectors. In the UK both TNMOC and the Science
> Museum Group have large quantities of hardware that is not displayed.
> The science museum usually catalogues it but it is not really helpful if you
> can't see it. 

They might also get rid of stuff, not necessarily for an obvious reason.  I saw 
a case of this recently, in the Dutch museum Boerhaave in Leiden, which is a 
national science-related museum.  For a number of years they had on display the 
world's oldest broadcast transmitter, an FM transmitter from 1919 invented in 
The Hague by Hanso Idzerda.  Some time recently it was removed from the museum 
collection.  In that case it went back to the organization it came from, the 
Picture and Sound Institute, but whether it will be displayed by them is not 
clear.  In any case, that's an example of the uncertain future of artefacts in 
museum collections.


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