> the later "pdp11 bus hanbook" (which, as mentioned, does not seem to be
    > online yet, alas)

Arck, I'm a moron; Paul has pointed out to me that this is, in fact, online
at Bitsavers:


It didn't show up in a couple of pages of results in a Web search for it,

I have noticed that things on Bitsavers often don't show up high up in Web
search results, unless you add 'bitsavers' to the search term.

I have been told that at one point Google was 'downgrading' results that used
plain HTTP, instead of HTTPS, because they were trying to push people to
switch to HTTPS (this was when everyone was hyperventilating over the Snowden
revelations). Given the near-ubiquitous use of HTTPS these days, I'd have
thought that piece of 'information credit engineering' by our tech overlords
was past its 'sell by' date, and now serves primarily to block people from
finding the material they are looking for (as here).


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