On Thu, 28 Apr 2022, Bill Gunshannon via cctalk wrote:

I am hoping to restore my TRS-80 Model-I(s).  As is usually
the case with these the edge connectors are badly corroded
and dirty and cleaning them with an eraser really doesn't
help much.  Back in the day there used to be something you
could get that let you "gold plate" the edge connectors.
Is anything like that still available?  How about reflowing
the pads using something like silver solder?
If neither of these is doable or practical, what are people
doing to clean up these connectors?

Bill, you might want to look into these: (quantities assume you're also working with an Expansion Interface)

40 pin - you'll need 3:

34 pin - you'll need 2:

I found them while tracking down a replacement for one on a Model I that had been severely damaged.


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