Announcing the Open SIMH project

SIMH is a framework and family of computer simulators, initiated by Bob Supnik 
and continued with contributions (large and small) from many others, with the 
primary goal of enabling the preservation of knowledge contained in, and 
providing the ability to execute/experience, old/historic software via 
simulation of the hardware on which it ran. This goal has been successfully 
achieved and has for these years created a diverse community of users and 

This has mapped to some core operational principles:

First, preserve the ability to run old/historically significant software. This 
means functionally accurate, sometimes bug-compatible, but not cycle-accurate, 

Second, make it reasonably easy to add new simulators for other hardware while 
leveraging common functions between the simulators.

Third, exploit the software nature of simulation and make SIMH convenient for 
debugging a simulated system, by adding non-historical features to the 

Fourth, make it convenient for users to explore old system environments, with 
as close to historical interfaces, by mapping them to new features that modern 
host operating systems provide.

Fifth, be inclusive of people and new technology. It's serious work, but it 
should be fun.

Previously, we unfortunately never spent the time to codify how we would 
deliver on these concepts. Rather, we have relied on an informal use of 
traditional free and open-source principles.

Recently a situation has arisen that compromises some of these principles and 
thus the entire status of the project, creating consternation among many users 
and contributors.

For this reason, a number of us have stepped up to create a new organizational 
structure, which we call "The Open SIMH Project", to be the keeper and provide 
formal governance for the SIMH ecosystem going forward.  While details of the 
structure and how it operates are likely to be refined over time, what will not 
change is our commitment to maintaining SIMH as a free and open-source project, 
licensed under an MIT-style license as shown on the "simh" repository page.

It is our desire that all of the past users and contributors will come to 
recognize that the new organizational structure is in the best interests of the 
community at large and that they will join us in it. However, this iproject as 
defined, is where we intend to contribute our expertise and time going forward. 
 At this point, we have in place the following, although we foresee other 
resources being added in the future as we identify the need and execute against 

A Github "organization" for the project at

A Git repository for the simulators themselves at

The license for the SIMH simulator code base, found in LICENSE.txt in the top 
level of the "simh" repository.  

The "SIMH related tools" in This is also 
licensed under MIT style or BSD style open source licenses (which are 
comparable apart from some minor wording differences).

A "SIMH Steering Group" -- project maintainers and guides.

The conventional git style process is used for code contributions, via pull 
request to the project repository. The Steering Group members have approval 
authority; this list is likely to change and grow over time.

By formalizing the underlying structure, our operational principles and 
guidance can best benefit the community. These are being developed and 
formalized, with a plan to publish them soon.

We have used our best judgment in setting up this structure but are open to 
discussion and consideration of other ideas, and to making improvements. Many 
of us have been part of different projects and understand that past mistakes 
are real. We have tried to learn from these experiences and apply the collected 
wisdom appropriately. We desire to hear from the community as we update and 
refine the operating structure for the Open SIMH project.

We hope for your patience and look forward to your support as we work to refine 
the organization and be able to provide this wonderful resource for anyone to 
use as we continue to evolve the technology provided by the SIMH system.

    The SIMH Steering Group
       Clem Cole
       Richard Cornwell
       Paul Koning
       Timothe Litt
       Seth Morabito
       Bob Supnik

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