On Thu, 9 Mar 2023, Sellam Abraham via cctalk wrote:
It seems to come down to agreement (or lack thereof) on the definition of
"personal computer".
Somehow I feel like this debate has been had before. Probably here.
Probably several times.

It is a permanent topic.

Along with "First". ("proposed"/"designed"/"prototyped"/"announced"/"demonstrated"/"offered for sale"/"sold"/"delivered"/"retail availability without pre-order/waitlist") IBM PC/5150 was announced/released August 11, 1981. But, it was many months before I could take one home. I was able to take home a TRS80 first, but some other people were able to take home Apple first. (I insist that TRS80/PET/Apple2 was a TIE)

It would help to clarify a bit of basic elements.

ANY computer can be considered to be a personal computer. A pile of stones to use as an abacus is a personal computer. Marked sticks to use as a slide rule are a personal computer. When I first took the SATs, we were told "NO sliderules", but to bring our own scratch paper, including graph paper! What do you get when you slide two pieces of log graph paper past each other? The next time, they changed the rules, and they supplied the scratch paper, but still required the test takers to bring multiple #2 pencils, and didn't rule out pencils with a log scale down the side.

Operated by single person is kinda arbitrary. Lots of people have "Geek Squad" set up their "personal computer", or have company IT people maintain it, and untangle user induced problems. I had a blind student, who sometimes got other people to help read the portions of the screen that the Votrax choked on.

Some personal computers have more than one screen (great for progtramming). I've seen some with more than one keyboard. If two, or more people play a game on one, does that make it no longer a "personal" computer? In Fabrice Florin's Nova documentary, "Hackers : Wizards Of The Electronic Age", there is a scene of consensus joysticks.

Size?  Price?  Weight?   arbitrary.

A Cray is a personal computer.
If you were a billionaire, might you have one as a personal computer?
The probability of my having serious money has kept me from fantasizing what I would have.

Some people try to insert the word "reasonable".
"The reasonable man adapts to the world; the unreasonable man tries to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." - George Bernard Shaw

Would it work to limit it to machines that were designed, manufactured, and marketed for the purpose of being one?
That invokes "intent".

Therefore, ALL computers are personal computers.

Whether a computer is a "HOME computer" involves where and how would you want to live? Do we count the one that the Vogons destroyed, that the mice had commissioned Magrathea to build?

We did eventually come up with definitions of microcomputer/minicomputer/mainframe.
"Can you pick it up"/"handtruck"/"union moving crew"
"lose a screw in it"/"lose a screwdriver in it"/"lose a scope or a technician"
(size/price/weight/architecture all have exceptions)

So, maybe there is still hope for a definition.

"Would you refuse others access to it?"/"only those you want to impress"/"Only family members"/"Only close friends, or those you want to have sex with"

Grumpy Ol' Fred                 ci...@xenosoft.com

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