If/when I dig it out, how much should I ask for it?   (Berkeley

On Tue, 6 Jun 2023, Ali wrote:
The 5150 or the ROM? :) I don't know about either but prices have been
getting ludicrous lately. I would be interested in playing around with the
ROM so if you ever dig it up and dump the contents..... Or I can always take
it off your hands at the next VCF West :D

The 5150.
But, I don't think that it would have any effect on the pricing if I were to remove that after-market ROM.

The black power supply might be an indication it is one of the early 64KB
5150s making it worth more...

It is certainly nowhere near "THE first", nor even the first locally, but it is an early one. On August 12, 1981, I started checking out getting one. I bought it, the "Technical Reference Manual", a CGA board and FDC. I already had plenty of RAM, floppy drives, and CCTV monitors. I put 27 TRS80 RAM chips in, and a pair of floppy drives. Then, I bought a 192K ECC memory board (Boulder Creek Systems?) Then a "multi-function" card to get RS232 for modem, and to connect to my DTC300 serial HiType 1 daisy wheel printer.

Grumpy Ol' Fred                 ci...@xenosoft.com

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