On Fri, 23 Jun 2023, Bill Degnan via cctalk wrote:
It boots fine, did I say it did not boot? I don't remember.   There is no
arcnet card, it's not the later model PCs LIMITED box, does not match the
red label logo that came out in 1986

You did not say it did not boot, but it was implied by saying that you got an error message when booting. Many of us misinterpreted that to mean an error message with unsuccessful boot, and asked questions about the configuration, and attempted to give some suggestions of things to try.

Sorry for the misunderstanding.

Still don't understand the questions about password reset/backdoor; 5160s do not generally have a password, and some folk conflated that question with CMOS (sometimes password protected) on 5170.

Grumpy Ol' Fred                 ci...@xenosoft.com

On 6/14/2023 7:16 PM, Bill Degnan via cctalk wrote:
Guys...I just wanted to know if anyone has either an original user/tech
guide or worked with the actual specific machine.   Maybe there is a
password reset util disk image floating around specific to the original
Limited system, or a backdoor password ...that's what I am after...the
original stuff that came with it.

I learned ctrl+alt+ - toggles Turbo/ regular mode, by trial and error.


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