Hi all,

I just noticed that images of a full RX50 floppy set for Ultrix-32m 1.2 was
posted on Bitsavers (
).  I am having difficulty parsing these images into a usable raw format
for SIMH.

As a reference, TUHS has a set of 1.0 floppies (
https://www.tuhs.org/Archive/Distributions/DEC/Ultrix-32M/ ) that are
usable for installation purposes.  (You can ignore the 1.2 floppies in that
archive, they aren't actually a full set).  The first disk of that
installer, 32m-1.0-bin/01, has a bootloader that starts at byte zero as we
would expect.  This should be approximately equivalent to disk 1 in the
Bitsavers set.  Oddly though, in the "raw" dump the bootloader doesn't
start until 0x1400, and a number of the other disks I looked at appear to
have odd holes/zeroes in them.  IMD format dumps of the 1.2 disks are
provided but when I converted the IMD format to a raw image I got the same

I'm almost thoroughly unfamiliar with IMD - is there some obvious
extraction/conversion option that I am missing here?  Were these disks
actually imaged correctly?  I would appreciate any suggestions.


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